Jesse Dorchak, PharmD
Dr. Dorchak serves as the preceptor for the Emergency Medicine rotation and assists Dr. Love and Dr. Thomas with precepting students and resident pharmacists completing the Pain Management and Trauma/Surgery rotations, respectively. Prior to earning a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Duquesne University, Dr. Dorchak served one combat tour in Iraq, earned a Bachelor's of Science from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, and published several primary research articles during the seven years he spent in cell biology and molecular breast cancer research. He completed a PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, accepting a post residency staff pharmacist position before transition to his current clinical role in the Emergency Department. Dr. Dorchak values the strong teaching atmosphere at Conemaugh and takes pride in helping students and resident pharmacists recognize and reach their full potential.