‘I’m one of their happiest walking, talking success stories’
April 30, 2024

She just arrived home after a long, tough day at work. Her husband – and the great dinner he prepared – was awaiting her. But she immediately knew something was wrong. Very wrong.
“I was a little lightheaded and couldn’t see clearly as I should. I attributed it to work-related fatigue or stress – until my heart began to flutter,” said Cindy Nimitz, a hard-driving, 68-year-old benefits consultant. “I needed my husband to take me to the emergency room. Fast.”
After arriving at the Conemaugh emergency room (ER) and talking briefly with the receptionist, her memory is blank. “I woke up the next day in the intensive care unit. I was intubated and my husband told me I was lucky to be alive,” said Cindy of the horrifying event of about 12 years ago.
She credits the life-saving efforts to God – and Conemaugh ER chairman Dr. Matt Perry and cardiologist Dr. Cyril Nathaniel. Perry had to resuscitate her twice. Nathaniel diagnosed her with a stress-induced cardiac failure.
Her recuperation included three months of cardiac rehab at Conemaugh. “The nurses there are so encouraging and amazing,” she said. “The rehab really helped. It gave me confidence in my physical ability and that I truly was okay again after a very frightening event.”
Cindy is set to retire March 29 and become a full-time grandmother, “and the best dodge ball player you ever saw,” the Richland resident said with a laugh.
She undergoes a stress test and electrocardiogram every year.
“My cholesterol is fine, and I have a clean bill of health,” she said. “I’m living a marvelous life, and I can't thank Conemaugh Hospital enough, and the fact that God put Dr. Perry Dr. Nathaniel in my path that evening. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here today.
Her advice is “listen to your body. If you have the slightest hint of heart issues, get to the ER. I didn’t have chest pain. I wasn't short of breath. I simply had a flutter in my heart.
“In this region, we are so fortunate to have the Conemaugh Health System and its Level One Trauma Center. And I’m one of their happiest walking-talking success stories.”