Conemaugh’s NICU: ‘Where miracles are born’
September 24, 2024

Adrianne Kuhar was the best-dressed preemie ever at the Conemaugh Health System’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
Weighing in at 1 pound, 5 ounces, she was way too small for premature baby clothes; so, her mother bought a small baby doll that came with six outfits. Her wardrobe included a tiny dress, jumpsuit and bathrobe.
“The nurses thought she was such a fashionista,” recalls her mother, Carol Kuhar of Mundys Corner, just a few miles from Johnstown.
Adrianne was born just 24 weeks into pregnancy – or about 16 weeks premature. Dr. Albert Mall, obstetrician gynecologist, delivered the tiny tot by C-section. “I knew everything was okay,” said Adrianne’s father, Louie, “when I heard her cry. She sounded like a mouse and was a ‘mini-baby’ about the size of a Barbie® Doll. Her arms and legs were about the size of my finger. And I could hold her in the palm of my hand.”
Dr. John Chan, a neonatologist, oversaw Adrianne’s care in the NICU where she was enveloped in monitors and machines. She breathed through a ventilator and received numerous life-saving treatments, IVs, x-rays and scans, blood transfusions, antibiotics, and treatments for heart-related issues. “Many times, she would just stop breathing. The nurses had to get her breathing again by rubbing her chest, flicking her feet or even tugging at her hair,” Carol said.
“At one point, physicians conferring from Pittsburgh and Hershey told Dr. Chan that there’s no way she should be alive. But Adrianne was our miracle baby.”
She was in Conemaugh’s NICU for 4-1/2 months. “Louie and I were there every day. We never knew if it would be a good day or a bad day. I must’ve gone through a million boxes of tissues because of all the tears.”
Now, 27 years later, those tears have turned into laughter and dancing.
Several weeks ago, Louie walked Adrianne down the aisle at Saint Vincent Archabbey as she married Eric Ballarino. Dr. Chan danced and laughed with her at the wedding reception. And Eric whisked Adrianne off to a honeymoon in Greece.
Adrianne is a gifted athlete who competed in cross country, dance and cheerleading. A graduate of Saint Vincent College, she works as a student-engagement and athletics specialist at Penn Highlands Community College where she is also cross-country coach for men and women. She’s also an avid volunteer and fundraiser for various youth organizations.
“All of this is certainly a fairytale; a dream-come-true,” Carol said.
“She was our miracle baby who never gave up. And it was all made possible by God Almighty with lots of help from Dr. Chan and his team at the Conemaugh NICU. That’s where miracles are born.”